Sunday, May 27, 2012

A story


A young man who was searching for meaning heard of a great Master. He approached the master in public and asked if he could become a student.

The master asked, "Can you meet me at my home at noon tomorrow?" They agreed, and went apart to their business.

At noon the next day the young man found the master in his sand garden. "Master, I have come as you invited, and I am ready for my lesson."

The master looked up and smiled. "Here, sit with me and draw in the sand." And he handed him a stick to draw with.

For a few minutes the student drew in the sand with the master, but in a while he was perplexed. He asked, "Master, how much longer until the lesson?"

The master smiled, dropped his stick, and told the student, "Your lesson has ended for today. Come back when you are ready, and tell me what you have learned."

To be continued...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Not About Atheism For Once.

Ok, I have been away. I have some ideas but as of yet not time to complete. So here's a quickie from me.
We need a few laws passed.
First, beef jerky is really unhealthy, and I am sure the AMA and the ADA would agree, so we outlaw it and the animal we get it from, despite its alternative value.
Also, we make up an irrational argument based on nonsensical bullshit that partnering to raise young has to, HAS TO, be these parts and those parts, and never two of the same, and we arbitrarily demand that of one another.
Despite my least hopes for humanity, I cannot believe any mind is seriously thoughtless and bland enough to embrace this utter travesty. Sadly, here I am not just wrong, but an epic failure.
I really want you to leave a comment. Just say "hi" or "pick up milk" or something. I want to know who reads and maybe why. So you can tell me that too.
Thanks. Real content en route.